+1 more


Catmama😺 in Friedrichshain


Pawshake sitter since June 2017
5-10 years of experience
Active in the Pawshake Community
106 recurring guests
187 times saved
Last active1 day ago
Usually respondswithin about 22 hours
Last contacted12 days ago
Last booked21 days ago

About Julie


Julie, Psychologin/Promotion Studentin, 34 Jahre alt DE/EN/FR
Nur Friedrichshain ! 10247, 10245, 10243

Aktiv als Katzensitterin auf Pawshake seit 2017

Was ich anbiete:
_so viele Besuche pro Tag in Friedrichshain wie benötigt, Morgens oder Abends oder beides, oder sogar mehr
_kann jeder Anweisung folgen
_gute Kommunikation, ich schicke sehr gern Nachrichte mit Updates und Bilde/Videos per WhatsApp
_werde die Schlüssel gut aufbewahren bzw. nicht verlieren!
_komme mit Medikamente gut klar
_kann auch die Poste abholen, Pflanzen gießen und ab und zu ein bisschen luften/saubermachen je nach dem, Hauptsache die Wohnung ist sauber beim Wiederkehr :)
_werde Zeit mit Ihren Katzen verbrigen beim kämmen/spielen/kuscheln sodass sie Ihnen nicht vermissen!

KOSTENLOSE BETREUUNG für interessante Tiere: grosse Katze, Waschbären, Alpacas, Emus und Pinguine


Only in Friedrichshain ! 10247, 10245, 10243

Julie, psychologist/PhD Student, 34 years old, DE/FR/EN

Active catsitter on Pawshake since 2017

I offer:
_as many visits as your cat(s) need in the Friedrichshain area, morning or evening or both, or more!
_can follow any instructions/demands
_good communication, will gladly send updates with photos/videos over WhatsApp if you want them
_ will safeguard your keys with my life!
_can administer certain medications
_will bring up your post, water plants, air, clean a little if you are gone for a while, your flat will be clean on your return :)
_will have 1on1 time with you cat(s) so they wont miss you! (including brushing, playing and many hugs)

FREE SERVICE for interesting animals: large felines, raccoons, alpacas, emus and penguins

Julie offers ...

At Julie's home

Dog Boarding

Overnight stay at the sitter's homefrom €26 /night, €5 /additional pet

At your home

One home visit a day

Book a pet sitter to stop by your home to feed and play with your petfrom €14 /day

2x Home visit

Two drop-in visits for your petfrom €25 /day

House Sitting

A sitter stays overnight in your home and cares for your petfrom €30 /night

Julie can accept

CatsAll kinds

Cancellation Policy

Flexible Cancellation Policy
You will get a full refund if you cancel before 12:00pm one day before the booking.



About Julie's home

The residence

No outdoor area

What people say about Julie

Overall rating


More about Julie

I speak ...


I have experience ...

5-10 years of experience
... with rescue pets
... with behavioural problems
I can administer injected medications
I can administer oral medications

Confirmed information

Email verified
SMS verified
Stripe verified
Book via Pawshake to enjoy the Pawshake Guarantee, in-house customer support, safe cashless payments, daily updates and other goodies! Read more
One home visit a dayfrom €14 /day
No dates specifiedContact

Always book via the Pawshake platform

Peace of mind

Your pet may need protection against unexpected life events. We offer a Peace of Mind Guarantee included in every booking made and paid through Pawshake.
Discover Peace of Mind


We include a free Happiness Guarantee in every booking made and paid through Pawshake to make sure you and your pet get the best pet care experience possible.
Discover Happiness