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Fluffy-super-service ;) 


Pawshake sitter since February 2020
10-20 years of experience
Active in the Pawshake Community
1 recurring guest
30 times saved
Recently updated calendar
Last activeabout 2 hours ago
Usually respondswithin about 5 hours
Last contactedabout 1 month ago
Last booked7 months ago

About Lisa

Hallo zusammen,

ich bin Lisa, 26 Jahre alt und in den letzten Zügen meines Studiums "Equine, Sports and Business". Vor meinem Studium habe ich eine Ausbildung zur Tiermedizinischen Fachangestellten abgeschlossen. Ihr seht: ich mag Tiere wirklich :)

Zu Hause hatten wir viele verschiedene Tiere: Hunde, Katzen, Kaninchen, Enten, eine Schildkröten und zwei Hausschweine im Garten. Seit ich ausgezogen bin, vermisse ich das Zusammenleben mit den Tieren wirklich sehr. Aus zeitlichen Gründen habe ich derzeit keine eigenen Tiere.

Bevor ich meine Ausbildung begonnen habe, habe ich auf einer Schaf- und Pferdefarm in Island gearbeitet, was wirklich eine super interessante Erfahrung war.

Momentan wohne ich in einer WG, weshalb ich leider keine Tiere bei mir aufnehmen kann. Zeitlich bin ich super flexibel, da ich keine Vorlesungen mehr habe und flexible Arbeitszeiten in meinem Marketing Job habe.

Ich gehe gerne lange spazieren und passe mich dem an, was benötigt wird. Ich bin eine ordentliche und respektvolle Person, sodass ihr euer Zuhause genauso vorfinden werdet, wie ihr es verlassen habt.

Falls ihr Fragen habt, meldet euch gerne. Ich freue mich von euch zu hören!

Liebe Grüße,


English version:

Hey everyone,

I‘m Lisa, 25 years old and currently in my studies „animal husbandry “. You see I really like animals ;) I finished an apprenticeship as a vet assistant before. At home we had many different animals: dogs, cats, rabbits, ducks, a turtle and two little pigs running around the garden together with all the other animals :) That is something I really miss. Since I am not at my parents house anymore, I do not own pets. At my parents house I am constantly with the animals - in any weather condition. Doesn’t matter if it’s raining, super windy, sunny…

Before I started my apprenticeship I worked on a sheep and horse farm in Iceland. That was super interesting and a great experience. During schooltime I worked as a waiter and babysitter.

Currently I live in a shared flat which is the reason I cannot take animals to my place.

My Schedule changes every week, therefore I am pretty flexible.

If I walk your dog I will do so in any weather condition. That doesn´t matter to me. I own raining clothes;) The length of the walks depends on your preference.

If I should take care of your pet in your house that is also possible. I am a clean and respectful person and you will find your house like you left it.

If you have any questions don‘t hesitate asking! I would be very happy tanking care of your animal :)

Kind regards Lisa

Lisa offers ...

At Lisa's home

Lisa currently does not offer any services at their home.

At your home

Dog Walking

An experienced dog walker will pick up your dog from your home for a 30 min walkfrom €10 /walk, €5 /additional pet

One home visit a day

Book a pet sitter to stop by your home to feed and play with your petfrom €10 /day

2x Home visit

Two drop-in visits for your petfrom €20 /day

House Sitting

A sitter stays overnight in your home and cares for your petfrom €30 /night

Lisa can accept

Puppies<1 year
Dog agesAll ages
Dog sizesAll sizes
CatsAll kinds
FerretsAll kinds
Small animalsRodents, rabbits, birds, ...

Cancellation Policy

Moderate Cancellation Policy
You will get a full refund if you cancel before 12:00pm, 7 days before the booking.


Recently updated calendar

About Lisa's home

The residence

Medium outdoor area

What people say about Lisa

Overall rating


More about Lisa

I speak ...


I have experience ...

10-20 years of experience
... with rescue pets
... with behavioural problems
... with grooming
I can administer injected medications
I can administer oral medications

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Stripe verified
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One home visit a dayfrom €10 /day
No dates specifiedContact

Always book via the Pawshake platform

Peace of mind

Your pet may need protection against unexpected life events. We offer a Peace of Mind Guarantee included in every booking made and paid through Pawshake.
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We include a free Happiness Guarantee in every booking made and paid through Pawshake to make sure you and your pet get the best pet care experience possible.
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