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Achtsame Betreuung - Mindful Care for animals


Pawshake sitter since November 2023
10-20 years of experience
Lives with ...
Kids older than 10
Active in the Pawshake Community
1 time saved
Last active7 months ago
Usually respondswithin about 10 hours
Last contacted7 months ago
Last booked-

About Joy

Hallo, ich bin Joy.
Mit Leidenschaft verbringe ich Zeit mit Tieren. Ich hatte selber jahrelang Hunde- und Katzen, und bringe viel Erfahrung als Tiersitterin für Hunde, Katzen, Pferde, Ziegen, und mehr.
Ich bin freiberuflich Life Coach und schätze achtsamen Kontakt mit Mensch und Tier.

Ich bringe viel Hundeerfahrung mit und kenne mich in Berlin mit Hund gut aus. Ich drei eigene Hunde vom Welpenalter aufgezogen, einen Golden Retriever, einen Terriermischling aus dem Tierheim und einen Dackelmischling als Pflegehund. Und ich habe 8 Jahre lang regelmäßig den Mini-Schnauzer einer Freundin betreut. Da ein eigenes Haustier aktuell nicht zu meinem Leben passt suche ich den Kontakt zu Tieren durch Hundesitting und Haussitting und Pflegepferd. Ich habe mit meiner Familie über 200 Tage Haus- und Tiersitting Erfahrung mit verschiedenen Tieren. Gerne schicken ich einen Link zu meinen Bewertungen. Vom Welpen bis zum Senior, ob Dackel oder Staffie-Mix, mit viel Verständnis und Einfühlungsvermögen lerne ich das Gemüt ihres Hundes kennen und freue mich auf eine gemeinsame Zeit.

Ich biete Spaziergänge und Betreuung in Ihrem Zuhause an. Je nach Hund können wir auch über eine Betreuung in meinem Zuhause sprechen.

Hi, I am Joy.
I am passionate about spending time with animals. I have lived witih my own dogs and cats for years and I am an experienced Petsitter für Dogs, Cats, Animals, Goats and more. 

I am a self employed Life Coach and appreciate mindful experiences with people and animals. 

I offer you lots of experience with dogs and know the dog culture of Berlin. I raised three dogs from when they were puppies - a golden retriever, a terrier mix from the shelter and a dachshund mix as a foster dog. And for 8 years I cared for the mini-schnauzer of a friend on a regular basis. Since I currently don't have a pet, I foster the connection to animals through dogsitting, housesitting and a horse share.
With my family I have 200 days of house and petsitting experience with different animals. I am happy to provide you with references. From puppies to seniors, from sausage dog to staffie-mix, I love getting to know the personality of your dog with patience and care so we can have a great time together.

I offer dogwalking and care in your home. Depending on the dog we can discuss care in my home. 

Joy offers ...

At Joy's home

Joy currently does not offer any services at their home.

At your home

Dog Walking

An experienced dog walker will pick up your dog from your home for a 30 min walkfrom €15 /walk, €5 /additional pet

One home visit a day

Book a pet sitter to stop by your home to feed and play with your petfrom €15 /day

2x Home visit

Two drop-in visits for your petfrom €25 /day

Joy can accept

Puppies<1 year
Dog agesAll ages
Dog sizesAll sizes
CatsAll kinds
Small animalsRodents, rabbits, birds, ...

Cancellation Policy

Flexible Cancellation Policy
You will get a full refund if you cancel before 12:00pm one day before the booking.



About Joy's home

The residence

No outdoor area

More about Joy

I speak ...


I have experience ...

10-20 years of experience
... with rescue pets
... as volunteer with animal welfare
... with behavioural problems
... with grooming
I am familiar with dog training techniques
I can administer oral medications
I can offer constant supervision

Confirmed information

Email verified
SMS verified
Stripe verified
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One home visit a dayfrom €15 /day
No dates specifiedContact

Always book via the Pawshake platform

Peace of mind

Your pet may need protection against unexpected life events. We offer a Peace of Mind Guarantee included in every booking made and paid through Pawshake.
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We include a free Happiness Guarantee in every booking made and paid through Pawshake to make sure you and your pet get the best pet care experience possible.
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