1. House Sitting
  2. Treptow-Köpenick

House Sitting, Treptow-Köpenick

A sitter stays overnight in your home and cares for your pet

Price (EUR)
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Small Dog0-8 kg
Medium Dog8-18 kg
Large Dog18-45 kg
Giant Dog+45 kg
Small animalBird, rabbit, ferret, ...
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All bookings are covered by the Pawshake Guarantee.

1. Brenda

12.5 km - Berlin
4 reviews
recurring guests

Loving & Experienced Pet Sitter for Paws of All Ages!

Last contacted 8 days ago
Last active yesterday

1. Brenda

Loving & Experienced Pet Sitter for Paws of All Ages!12.5 km - Berlin
(4 reviews)
2 recurring guests
Last contacted 8 days ago
Last active yesterday
"A Wonderful Experience! Leaving our dog Mina in someone else’s care for three whole weeks felt like an impossible task. Mina is more than just a pet to us—she’s family. But she’s also a very sensitive dog with severe separation anxiety. Her sweet and loving nature can quickly give way to fear and retreat when she feels unsure or senses the wrong energy. Treats, toys, or distractions don’t work when she’s anxious—it takes patience, understanding, and the right kind of person to bring her out of her shell. We were incredibly lucky to find Brenda. From the moment we met her, it was clear she had the kind of calm, warm energy Mina responds to. Brenda has a natural gentleness that immediately put us at ease, and most importantly, it worked wonders for Mina. During the three weeks we were away, Brenda took the time to truly understand Mina’s needs. She never rushed her, never forced interactions, and always let Mina set the pace. This kind of attentiveness and patience is rare, but Brenda has it in spades. She learned how to communicate with Mina in a way that made her feel safe and secure, even in our absence. Brenda was also incredibly responsive throughout the entire time we were away. She shared regular updates on Mina, complete with thoughtful messages and photos that showed us how Mina was doing. If there was anything she wasn’t sure about—whether it was a small detail about Mina’s routine or how to handle a particular situation—she made sure to message us right away to ask and ensure she was giving Mina the best care possible. When we returned home, it was heartwarming to see just how much Mina had bonded with Brenda. As we said our goodbyes, Mina went straight to Brenda with her tail wagging, tucking herself between Brenda’s legs with her head tilted up in the most loving way. It was clear Mina had developed a strong and special bond with her over those three weeks, which meant the world to us. On top of everything, Brenda left our apartment in immaculate condition—exactly as we had left it. This level of care and responsibility is just another reason why Brenda is so wonderful. If you’re looking for someone who will truly care for your dog as if they were her own, I cannot recommend Brenda highly enough. She’s the perfect sitter for sensitive pets who need a little extra love and understanding. Thank you, Brenda, for being so amazing to Mina and for giving us the peace of mind to enjoy our time away. 🇩🇪 Eine wunderbare Erfahrung mit Brenda Unsere Hündin Mina für ganze drei Wochen in die Obhut einer anderen Person zu geben, fühlte sich anfangs wie eine unmögliche Aufgabe an. Mina ist für uns mehr als nur ein Haustier – sie ist ein Familienmitglied. Doch sie ist auch sehr sensibel und leidet unter starker Trennungsangst. Ihre liebevolle und sanfte Natur kann sich schnell in Unsicherheit und Rückzug verwandeln, wenn sie sich unwohl fühlt oder schlechte Energie wahrnimmt. Leckerlis, Spielzeug oder Ablenkungen helfen in solchen Momenten nicht – sie braucht Geduld, Verständnis und die richtige Person, um ihr Vertrauen zu gewinnen. Wir hatten das große Glück, Brenda zu finden. Vom ersten Moment an war klar, dass sie die ruhige, warme Ausstrahlung hat, die Mina benötigt. Brenda hat eine natürliche Sanftheit, die uns sofort beruhigt hat, und vor allem hat sie Wunder bei Mina bewirkt. Während der drei Wochen, in denen wir weg waren, nahm sich Brenda die Zeit, Mina wirklich zu verstehen. Sie hat Mina nie gedrängt, nie etwas erzwungen, sondern immer Mina das Tempo bestimmen lassen. Diese Art von Aufmerksamkeit und Geduld ist selten, doch Brenda besitzt sie im Überfluss. Sie hat gelernt, wie sie mit Mina kommunizieren kann, sodass sie sich sicher und geborgen fühlte, selbst in unserer Abwesenheit. Brenda war außerdem unglaublich zuverlässig und hat uns regelmäßig Updates zu Mina geschickt – mit liebevollen Nachrichten und Fotos, die uns gezeigt haben, wie es unserer Hündin ging. Wenn sie sich bei irgendetwas unsicher war, hat sie uns sofort kontaktiert, um nachzufragen und sicherzustellen, dass Mina die bestmögliche Betreuung bekommt. Diese offene und kommunikative Art hat uns sehr beruhigt. Als wir nach Hause kamen, war es so herzerwärmend zu sehen, wie sehr Mina sich mit Brenda angefreundet hatte. Beim Abschied ging Mina direkt auf Brenda zu, wedelte freudig mit dem Schwanz, schmiegte sich zwischen ihre Beine und schaute sie mit ihrem typischen, liebevollen Blick an. Es war offensichtlich, dass zwischen den beiden in den drei Wochen eine enge Bindung entstanden war – und das bedeutete uns unglaublich viel. Darüber hinaus war unsere Wohnung in einem tadellosen Zustand, genau so, wie wir sie verlassen hatten. Diese Sorgfalt und Verantwortlichkeit ist ein weiterer Grund, warum Brenda so fantastisch ist. Wenn Sie jemanden suchen, der sich wirklich so um Ihren Hund kümmert, als wäre es sein eigener, können wir Brenda wärmstens empfehlen. Sie ist die perfekte Hundesitterin, besonders für sensible Hunde, die ein bisschen mehr Liebe und Verständnis brauchen. Danke, Brenda, dass du so wunderbar mit Mina warst und uns die Ruhe gegeben hast, unsere Zeit fern von Zuhause zu genießen!"
LReview by Lien

2. Ariela

7.3 km - Berlin
4 reviews

I love pets and their nature 🐶🐱🍃✨

Last contacted 10 days ago
Last active today

2. Ariela

I love pets and their nature 🐶🐱🍃✨7.3 km - Berlin
(4 reviews)
Last contacted 10 days ago
Last active today
"Ariela is such a caring girl, with a very positive energy and a lot of love for my Güicho. The communication with her was also super smooth at all time. Since I contacted her jn the app , she replied right away and we had a video call the same day. Then she was always available to chat and after she look after my sick dog, she always was asking about him, worried about his health ❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you for the love shared! "
GReview by Giovanna

3. Atziri

13.6 km - Berlin
10 reviews
recurring guests

kind, patient and pet-lover in Lichtenberg!

Last contacted 8 days ago
Last active 4 days ago

3. Atziri

kind, patient and pet-lover in Lichtenberg!13.6 km - Berlin
(10 reviews)
2 recurring guests
Last contacted 8 days ago
Last active 4 days ago
"Atziri has been very professional and responsible since the beginning. She is always attentive to the care and routine of our 8-year-old dog. She is very punctual and has direct and clear communication. During her stay with our dog, she sent us regular updates on our dog's routine to show us that everything was fine. She has a very calm and polite vibe and this also helps to keep our dog calmer. We are very happy to have found her, I highly recommend her work."
RReview by Rosana

4. Adriana

8.2 km
New sitter

Tiere sind meine besten Freunde

Calendar recently updated
Last active today

4. Adriana

New sitter
Tiere sind meine besten Freunde8.2 km
Calendar recently updated
Last active today

5. Cathi

13.4 km
New sitter

Liebevolle & ruhige Catsitterin 🌹

Last active 8 days ago

5. Cathi

New sitter
Liebevolle & ruhige Catsitterin 🌹13.4 km
Last active 8 days ago

6. Valeriia

10.6 km
7 reviews
recurring guests

Loving Pet Care You Can Trust

Last contacted 9 days ago
Last active 8 days ago

6. Valeriia

Loving Pet Care You Can Trust10.6 km
(7 reviews)
2 recurring guests
Last contacted 9 days ago
Last active 8 days ago
"Many thanks to Valeriia! We went on vacation for 10 days and Valeriia took wonderful care of our two dogs. She found an approach to each of them, was attentive to the peculiarities of their characters, coped with difficulties in behavior. And when the dogs saw her a couple of days after our return, they were very happy to meet her:)"
IReview by Irina

7. Pamela

13 km
2 reviews
recurring guest

Cat lover <3

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Last active today

7. Pamela

Cat lover <313 km
(2 reviews)
1 recurring guest
Calendar recently updated
Last active today
"Long trips are challenging when you have pets, as we need to find someone we trust to take care of our beloved Don. Pamela was perfect, as she has lots of experience with cats. Don trusted her from the first time, which made us fell really good, as he usually takes his time to trust people. She showed up everyday at the time we agreed, sent videos and pictures of him playing and we managed to spend these 20 days really relaxed. When we were back, the house was organised and clean (as we left it), and Don was happy, looking forward to see us! Can't thank Pamela enough! Definitely recommended!"
BReview by Bianca

8. Bella

13.9 km
New sitter

Flexible & Friendly Animal Lover!

Last contacted 11 days ago
Last active 11 days ago

8. Bella

New sitter
Flexible & Friendly Animal Lover!13.9 km
Last contacted 11 days ago
Last active 11 days ago

9. Tamsin

13.8 km
New sitter

Dog-obsessed with 15+ years of experience

Last contacted 4 days ago
Last active 4 days ago

9. Tamsin

New sitter
Dog-obsessed with 15+ years of experience13.8 km
Last contacted 4 days ago
Last active 4 days ago

10. Melanie

12.7 km
3 reviews
recurring guests

PET sitter and Pet Groomer, The best for your pet❤️

Last booked 11 days ago
Last contacted 11 days ago

10. Melanie

PET sitter and Pet Groomer, The best for your pet❤️12.7 km
(3 reviews)
2 recurring guests
Last booked 11 days ago
Last contacted 11 days ago
"Melanie took care of our dog and our cat for a week while we were on vacation and she did an excellent job! Both of them seemed super happy in her care and I can recommend her to anyone ☺️"
FReview by Feline

11. Ethan

7.8 km
7 reviews

The paw shake is underrated 🤝🐾💕

Last contacted today
Last active today

11. Ethan

The paw shake is underrated 🤝🐾💕7.8 km
(7 reviews)
Last contacted today
Last active today
"I can’t recommend Ethan and his sister Deborah enough. They clearly care about the animals they take care of and hold on to their promises. They paid 3 visits a day to my place for my 2 dogs and 1 cat for 2 weeks and it all went well. Very punctual, responsible and engaging. One of my dog needed to take antibiotics too and they made sure that she takes it on time. I am so happy I found them! "
SReview by Selen

12. Carlota

11.3 km - Berlin
8 reviews

The animal love saved my life, I’m so proud of them

Last active 3 days ago
Lives with 1 dog

12. Carlota

The animal love saved my life, I’m so proud of them 11.3 km - Berlin
(8 reviews)
Last active 3 days ago
Lives with 1 dog

13. Aimi

14.1 km
24 reviews
recurring guests

Reliable and Caring Pet Sitter

Last contacted 12 days ago
Last active 3 days ago

13. Aimi

Reliable and Caring Pet Sitter 14.1 km
(24 reviews)
15 recurring guests
Last contacted 12 days ago
Last active 3 days ago
"Aimi was/is a great pet-sitter! She took care of our cat Elmo and lived with him in your apartment for a few days. She's is completely reliable and cares a lot not only for Elmo, also our apartment was in a great condition when we arrived back home. I would book her again if I need someone I trust to look after our baby Elmo :) - she knows how to handle the pet and to get to know them first without being too pushy - she gives them space to get to know her. Thank you so much Aimi! "
VReview by Verena

14. Alin

13.5 km
50 reviews
recurring guests

For The Love Of Animals

Usually responds within one day

14. Alin

For The Love Of Animals13.5 km
(50 reviews)
21 recurring guests
Usually responds within one day
"Alin is such a nice person and we are super happy that he took care of our Maya at our place over Christmas. He is reliable, calm, easy to talk to and very good with dogs! He even stayed a bit longer at our place than he should have because our flight back was quite late. We will definitely contact him again in the futur when we need a dog sitter and we highly recommend him 😊"
MReview by Manon

15. Nathalie

13.5 km
1 review

Wuff wuff, miauu

Usually responds within few hours

15. Nathalie

Wuff wuff, miauu 13.5 km
(1 review)
Usually responds within few hours
"Nathalie was great with my scared pup and provided me with plenty of updates. Thank you Nathalie!"
NReview by Natalia

16. Helena

12.7 km
New sitter

Caring for your pets like they’re my own

Last active 12 days ago

16. Helena

New sitter
Caring for your pets like they’re my own12.7 km
Last active 12 days ago

17. Alessandra

5.7 km
7 reviews
recurring guest

Pet sitting your furry friend with love and patience

Last active today
Usually responds within few hours

17. Alessandra

Pet sitting your furry friend with love and patience5.7 km
(7 reviews)
1 recurring guest
Last active today
Usually responds within few hours
"We invited Alessandra into our home to pet sit our 2 year old Golden Retriever, Ollie for just over a week. Throughout the process, Alessandra sent me pictures and updates, assuring me that Ollie was happy and well looked after. My house was left in a very tidy manner - as if she had never been there, and when we got home, Ollie was a happy, healthy boy! I can highly recommend Alessandra, she is competent, trustworthy and overall, a lovely person. Thanks again Alessandra! "
JReview by Jodi

18. Andrés

13.7 km - Berlin
19 reviews
recurring guests

your friend's purrfect match in Berlin ✌🏼

Last contacted 12 days ago
Last active today

18. Andrés

your friend's purrfect match in Berlin ✌🏼13.7 km - Berlin
(19 reviews)
5 recurring guests
Last contacted 12 days ago
Last active today

19. Cagla

10.3 km
6 reviews
recurring guests

Love and Care for Your Pets

Usually responds within one day

19. Cagla

Love and Care for Your Pets10.3 km
(6 reviews)
2 recurring guests
Usually responds within one day
"Cagla took a great care of our cat during our vacation. We wanted to prolong the vacation and she was nice enough to even extend the stay and take care of our cat for a few more days. Communication was great and regular, we received daily pictures of our cat, so we could enjoy our vacation to the maximum. Highly recommend her as a petsitter. Tnx a lot Cagla! :)"
SReview by Sabina

20. Renan

10.6 km
8 reviews
recurring guests

Experienced petsitter (#thefurrierthebetter)

Last contacted 7 days ago
Last active 2 days ago

20. Renan

Experienced petsitter (#thefurrierthebetter)10.6 km
(8 reviews)
4 recurring guests
Last contacted 7 days ago
Last active 2 days ago
"Renan came to stay with my cat for a day while we were away traveling. He was a great company to her, they played, he brushed her, and he took great care of the apartment too. Will hire again!"
RReview by Ricardo

Why house sitting ?

Are you going away but have a pet that prefers to stay in their own environment? Or perhaps you have a range of different animals and it’s not practical for you to organise for them to stay in different places? Then you might want to consider finding a Pawshake house sitter to come and stay at your Treptow-Köpenick home while you are away.

House sitting is a convenient and affordable option when you have multiple pets and also want your house to be securely looked after while you are away. Many of our pet sitters have very reasonable house sitting rates because they enjoy staying and exploring different local neighbourhoods like Treptow-Köpenick.

At Pawshake, we understand that trusting your home to a stranger can be a little daunting. So we’ve done all the hard work to ensure that your Pawshake house sitter is trustworthy and reliable. All our pet sitter profiles are checked individually by our dedicated trust and safety team and some house sitters also have their own police checks which they can share with you.

The best thing about engaging a Pawshake verified house sitter is that you can relax knowing that on top of being covered by The Pawshake Guarantee which includes veterinary coverage, so your pets are being cared for in a familiar environment and your Treptow-Köpenick home is also being looked after as well.

In addition to looking after your pets, most of our house sitters will happily help you by collecting your mail, taking out the bins, and watering your plants. Just make sure you discuss all your requirements with your chosen house sitter prior to booking.

Pet owners book house sitting in Treptow-Köpenick on Pawshake. Over 3605 pet owners in Treptow-Köpenick have left a review, with an average of 4.97/5. All paid safely using Sofort, Visa, Mastercard, American Express